Prom Agreement Form

Prom Agreement Form

The following document represents an agreement between you, the student of Sunlake High School, and Sunlake High School. In consideration of being sold a ticket and being granted admission to Sunlake High School's Prom, you, the student at Sunlake High School, agree to the following terms and conditions.

Prom Attendance Criteria:
? GPA: You must have a 2.0 or higher
? Absences: No more than (5) unexcused absences in a month or (10) unexcused absences within a semester (in this case, semester 2)
? Tardies: No more than 5 tardies in any given class in semester 2—those with excessive tardies will need to go through the appeal process with their administrator
? Referrals: If you have any Level 2 or level 3 referrals, you will need to complete an appeal form for your grade level administrator

If you do not meet the attendance criteria above you must file an appeal with your assistant principal. Forms are available in the Guidance Office.

Please note that this form is for Juniors and Seniors ONLY. If an underclassman is attending as a guest they will complete the guest form.