EOC Information

Disclaimer: The information on this page is current as of September 2019 and is subject to change pending legislative action. Refer to FLDOE’s website for the latest updates and changes.

Source: https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/7764/urlt/GradRequireFSA.pdf

 Concordant/Comparative Scores

A student can also meet assessment graduation requirements by earning a concordant or comparative score. Table 3 shows the concordant and comparative scores students may use to satisfy assessment graduation requirements.

Source: https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/7764/urlt/GradRequireFSA.pdf

Algebra 1 Support

Algebra Nation: www.algebranation.com

Khan Academy: www.khanacademy.org

IXL Math: www.ixl.com

ELA (English Language Arts) Support

IXL Language Arts: www.ixl.com

Grammar Practice: www.noredink.com