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Becky Black

Becky Black

Career Specialist

Exploring Your Interests

“I have no idea what I want to do after high school.”  Is that something you have said to yourself or even shared with others?  Have you made a confident decision about what you will do after graduation? This is one of the biggest decisions you will have to make and sometimes students just don’t have a direction.  From the time you can remember I am sure friends, family members and even strangers have asked, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” Or maybe they ask, “What college are you going to?” followed by “What are you going to study?” 

For many students the answer is simply, “I don’t know.”  That can be very frustrating.  I mean after all, we all want to be successful and make money, but not all of us are interested in going to college for 4, sometimes 6 or even 10 years.

Fun Fact:  According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics there are 20 fastest growing occupations between the years of 2018-2028.  Out of the 20 occupations, 50% of those careers require less than a 4 year college degree.

To choose a career that is right for you, think about what you enjoy, what are you good at, or what do you like to learn about? 

To help narrow down some career choices or ideas, students should take a career interest inventory.  There are tons available online.  It is important to feel open-minded and in a positive mindset when taking these quizzes. If you are honest with yourself, you may be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Career Clusters

Are you aware there are 17 career clusters?  That means ALL the jobs that exist today could be classified under one of these categories.

  • Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
  • Architecture & Construction
  • Arts, A/V Technology & Communication
  • Business Management & Administration
  • Education & Training
  • Energy
  • Engineering & Technology Education
  • Finance
  • Government & Public Administration
  • Health Sciences
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Law, Public Safety & Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing, Sales & Service
  • Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

 Taking a career interest inventory is the first step to helping you figure out your future and bring it into focus.

~ Mrs. Black

Contact Me


Room 3-162A

M-F: 8am-5pm, S-S: Closed

If you have questions regarding your graduation requirements or schedule, stop by Guidance and request to speak with your grade level counselor. We look forward to working with our Sunlake families.