Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Notice of Out-of-Field Teachers

Dear Parents or Guardians:

According to Florida Statute 1012.42, we must notify parents of students who are being taught by out of field teachers prior to the end of the 2014-2015 FTE Survey 2 that ends in October. A teacher is out-0f-field until the coverage/endorsement for a class that he or she is teaching is issued by the state of Florida. In addition, the certification and/or endorsement must appear on his or her teacher certificate. Individuals who are teaching out-of-field are certified in a least one area and are qualified to teach, but are required to take additional course work or testing to add a coverage/endorsement to their certificate. Please contact the school, 813-346-1000, if you need further clarification. The following teachers have agreed to teacher out-of-field while completing course work and/or testing.

Out of Field

Gabriela Southwick – American Sign Language Endorsement

Todd Chaltry – ESOL Endorsement

Maura Craig- ESOL Endorsement

Jenna Gawronski- ESOL Endorsement

David Pike- ESOL Endorsement

Ellen Ray- ESOL Endorsement

Not Highly Qualified

Gabriela Southwick – American Sign Language Endorsement