TSA, or Parent Teacher Student Association, is a volunteer-run organization that aims to improve schools and benefit students.  PTSAs are separate from school districts and are made up of parents, teachers, students, and other community members. Their mission is to advocate for children’s education and well-being, and to serve as a resource for families and communities.

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PTSAs do many things, including:
  • Supporting student education
    PTSAs can help with student education and experience by organizing after-school clubs, school-wide activities, and class pictures. They can also help create the school yearbook and purchase school supplies.
  • Providing funding
    PTSAs can raise money through fundraising to support schools in many ways, including providing funding for classroom and school needs, scholarships, special programs, and food insecure children. They can also purchase major equipment and capital improvements.
  • Supporting teachers and staff
    PTSAs can support teachers and staff by volunteering their time, hosting lunches and breakfasts, and creating VIP awards to celebrate students who exemplify character and integrity.
  • Creating a forum for discussion
    PTSAs provide a forum for parents, teachers, administrators, and other concerned adults to discuss topics such as promoting quality education, expanding the arts, and encouraging community involvement.