Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

If you have a junior or senior who has NOT met the FSA ELA and/or Algebra 1 EOC testing graduation requirement, your student will have the opportunity to participate in the ACT Non-College Reporting test. This test will be administered over 3 days, beginning March 7, and students will only be required to sit for the sections of the test that they need to meet their concordant score.  This test cannot be used for college entrance or scholarship purposes; the sole purpose will be to meet the testing requirements for graduation.

**Test fees will be covered by the school for all seniors AND juniors. Previous information stated that juniors must pay. This is no longer the case. 

All eligible seniors will be scheduled to take the ACT. If you do NOT want your senior to participate, please email Sandee Ragusa at

Eligible juniors must complete the form below to participate: