College Fairs and Tours
College Fair and Local Visits
Each year in September, Sunlake High School offers a college fair for Juniors and Seniors. This special fair is not open to the public, but only to students at SLHS. Make it a priority to attend! Approximately 50+ college representatives will be there to answer questions.
If you cannot attend Sunlake’s College Fair there are other fairs available. The west side of the county hosts a college fair in the evening at PHSC. It is usually held on the same day as Sunlake’s. South Florida National College Fair is another opportunity. This fair is in October and February and it is open to the public. Although this is a much larger fair, you can still meet with college representatives from hundreds of colleges and universities.
Pre-College Summer Programs
Thinking about what to do this summer? Would you like to learn what it is like living on a college campus and taking a college course? This is a great way to learn about college life, and possibly receive college credits. If you do take a course for credit, make sure you make an A, because that credit will carry over when you start college. However, unless the summer program is competitive, or offers a scholarship for admission, attending a college summer program will not give you any advantage in the undergraduate admissions process. Some schools which offer programs are: Duke, Harvard, George Washington, Brown, Stanford, University of Chicago, New York University.
College Visits at Sunlake
Sunlake may host many colleges and universities on campus throughout the school year. These visits are open to juniors and seniors only. Visits from the large Florida public state universities will have limited space and are only open to seniors.
Students are required to get a pass from Mrs. Black. All students are responsible for making up missed work and teachers will have the final decision on a student’s attendance.
**All visits subject to change