Career & Technical Education – Programs of Interest
Academy of Digital Design
There is not a single industry that is untouched by multimedia in some form or fashion. This interest of study allows students to gain real world experiences in product lifecycles. Our students will leave SLHS with an understanding of what it takes to plan, design, and implement their ideas as it relates to the following:
- Yearbook Production
- Student Newspaper
- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Audio Production
- Video Production
- Print Layout
Industry Certifications are offered with each course. There are also opportunities for students to be involved with the yearbook production as well as the student newspaper.
Academy of Finance
The Academy of Finance introduces students to the broad career opportunities in the financial services industry. This Academy provides students with a rigorous business and finance program that includes relevant concepts and skills that are transferable to post secondary education and/or the workplace. Students graduating from this academy will leave Sunlake High School with a well-rounded education in general business and finance principles, employability skills, and on-the-job training.
Academy of Robotics
[No new students as of 2023-2024 school year. Please apply to Angeline Academy of Innovation if you are interested in pursuing robotics and not already a part of Sunlake’s program.]
The purpose of this program is to provide students with a foundation of knowledge and technically oriented experiences in the study of the principles and applications of robotics engineering and its effect upon our lives and the choosing of an occupation. The content and activities will also include the study of entrepreneurship, safety, and leadership skills. This program focuses on transferable skills and stresses understanding and demonstration of the science and mathematics knowledge, technological tools, machines, instruments, materials, processes and systems related to robotics.
Academy of Medical Skills
The medical world is vast and offers many career opportunities. Students in the SLHS Academy of Medical Skills learn the foundations of working with people, the human body, and medical techniques. As they grow, the students have the opportunity to engage in hands on learning and eventually earn certification as a Clinical Nursing Assistant.
Aerospace Career Academy
The Aerospace Career Academy program provides high school students with a dual enrollment model to introduce them to careers in aviation or aerospace. Here are additional resources with more information about the program.
Industry Certifications:
- Ensure students receive a quality education based on uniform and globally recognized industry standard
- Enrich student preparation with transferable skills for job placement, retention, and career advancement
- Establish and maintain programs that allow students to demonstrate high levels of performance and distinguish themselves locally, regionally, and nationally
- Create clear and rigorous standards aligned with curricula and entrance requirements for post secondary education and careers
- Recognize student and program achievement
- Afford structures and support for continuous improvement
- Career academies are a particularly well researched reform approach. A number of comparison group evaluations showed positive impacts on academic outcomes including attendance, earned credits, graduation rates, college attendance rates, and also on labor market outcomes.
Elective Programs
In 2007 the Florida Legislature passed the Career and Professional Education Act. The purpose of the Act was to provide a statewide planning partnership between the business and education communities in order to attract, expand, and retain targeted, high-value industry and to sustain a strong, knowledge-based economy. The objectives of the Act are as follows:
- To improve middle and high school academic performance by providing rigorous and relevant curriculum opportunities
- To provide rigorous and relevant career-themed courses that articulate to postsecondary-level coursework and lead to industry certification
- To support local and regional economic development
- To respond to Florida’s critical workforce needs
- To provide state residents with access to high-wage and high-demand careers
- Industry Certifications
Industry certifications provide credibility, recognition of achievement, and assurance of quality. Certification benefits students, businesses, and academic institutions by identifying predictable levels of performance and informing the community that established criteria are being met.
Summer 2025 Dual Enrollment Info Session
Academy Application for Current Students
This form is for students entering 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and are zoned for Sunlake High School. This application is open from January 27, 2025 to February 10, 2025. Application Form Link:
SAT Testing Fee Waiver Change
Beginning this school year, students and families will now request for a testing fee waiver directly through College Board. SLHS or Mrs. Black will no longer disperse codes to eligible students. All students are encouraged to create a College Board account and begin...