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Annual Food Drive

The Sunlake Key Club is collaborating with Metropolitan Ministries to host a canned food drive for this upcoming Thanksgiving season. DROP-OFF INFORMATION: Drop of your canned goods in your 1st period class room for Seabucks! The class with the most canned goods...

Boys Tennis Conditioning, Tryouts, & Parent Info Meeting

Are you interested in joining a district championship team? Preseason conditioning and open practice for the SLHS Boy Tennis team will be every Tuesday and Thursday beginning October 29th after school. Tryouts for the boys’ varsity tennis team start Tuesday, December...

Girls Tennis Info Meeting | 10.29

There will be an information meeting for those girls interested being a part of the SLHS Girls Tennis Team.   The meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:00pm in the SLHS Cafeteria. What:  Girls Tennis Info Meeting When: October 29th, 2024 TIme: 6:00pm -...

Boys Basketball Workouts & Tryouts

Boys Basketball workouts will take place October 21st-24th. Start times are from 2:30pm to 4:30pm.  Please meet at the Sunlake Track.  Workouts are open to all interested in trying out for basketball this year. You must have athletic forms completed and an up to date...

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