Parent MyStudent
Parent MyLearning
- FLVC.org– Florida public high school students can use FLVC.org review their academic progress for Bright Futures
- Check college admission requirements
- Search college and university profiles
- Match career planning with specific colleges or universities.
Girls Basketball Info Meeting | August 22
The Girls Basketball team will be holding an information meeting on August 22, 2024 from 1:50pm-2:20pm in the SLHS gymnasium. For more information contact Coach Pledge.
SAT Testing Fee Waiver Change
Beginning this school year, students and families will now request for a testing fee waiver directly through College Board. SLHS or Mrs. Black will no longer disperse codes to eligible students. All students are encouraged to create a College Board account and begin...
Boys Soccer Parent Meeting | Sept. 3rd
On September 3rd, 2024, Coach Fotopoulos will be holding a parent meeting for the Boys Soccer team. If you are a student and interested in playing on the team, make sure you and your parents are in attendance on September 3rd at 7pm in Portable 3 (by tennis courts).
Save the Dates
There are many events that will occur throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Here are a few that might stand out a bit more than others for starters. School Spirit Week: August 26-30 Homecoming Week: September 30 - October 5 Senior Grad Bash: April 25 Prom: May 10...
Join PTSA Now!!!
TSA, or Parent Teacher Student Association, is a volunteer-run organization that aims to improve schools and benefit students. PTSAs are separate from school districts and are made up of parents, teachers, students, and other community members. Their mission is to...
Student Fees
Click here to pay fees