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Sophomore Students
Welcome to the home page for Sophomore students at Sunlake High School. From connecting to your guidance counselor to finding information about lunches and busses. This is the place to be for all things related to being a 10th grade student at Sunlake High School.
-– Florida public high school students can use review their academic progress for Bright Futures
- Check college admission requirements
- Search college and university profiles
- Match career planning with specific colleges or universities.

Boys Soccer Tryouts & Meeting
The Boys Soccer tryout dates are Oct 14, 15 and 21 from 2:30-4pm. All players must have paperwork completed to be able to tryout. There will be a meeting for returning players on Tuesday September 10th in Portable 3 from 2-2:30pm!
Girls Wrestling Interest Meeting
The Wrestling team is looking for girls ranging from 155lbs -235lbs this season. However, everyone is welcome! There is an interest information meeting on September 5th at 1:50pm-2:00pm in room 10-201 (Coach Finan's room). DM the coaches if you cannot make it, or...
Key Club Meeting | 8.26.24
On Monday 8/26, Key Club will hold its first meeting of the year. All current members and anyone interested in joining Key Club should attend. The meeting will be from 2:00 to 2:45 in the Cafeteria.
Student Parking Sold Out
The student parking is currently sold out. Parking will be reviewed at the end of the quarter and again at the end.of the semester to issue new permits should spots open.
Girls Basketball Info Meeting | August 22
The Girls Basketball team will be holding an information meeting on August 22, 2024 from 1:50pm-2:20pm in the SLHS gymnasium. For more information contact Coach Pledge.