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Junior Students
Welcome to the home page for Junior students at Sunlake High School. From connecting to your guidance counselor to finding information about lunches and busses. This is the place to be for all things related to being a 11th grade student at Sunlake High School.
-– Florida public high school students can use review their academic progress for Bright Futures
- Check college admission requirements
- Search college and university profiles
- Match career planning with specific colleges or universities.

Boys & Girls Golf Tryouts
The SLHS Golf team are beginning their tryouts for the fall 2024 season. Boys Only Tryouts: Wednesday, August 7th at 3:30pm Girls and Boys Tryouts: Friday, August 9th at 5:30pm Girls and Boys Tryouts: Monday, August 12th at 3:00pm All tryouts will be at Heritage...
Schedule Change Request Form
SCHEDULES CAN ONLY BE CHANGED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: Student has a class on their schedule that they have already earned credit for Student is scheduled into a class that has a prerequisite that has not been completed Student is a senior and is missing a...
Sunlake Earns an “A”
Congratulations Sunlake High School students and staff on achieving a school grade of an "A" for the 2023-2024 school year!
Volleyball Tryouts
Volleyball tryouts will be held on Monday, July 29th and Tuesday July 30th from 5:30-7:30 in the SLHS gymnasium. Contact Coach Garcia for more information:
Mini Cheer Camp | August 4, 2024
Join us for our Mini Seahawks Cheer Camp hosted by the Sunlake High School Cheer Team! For boys and girls ages 5 - 13, no experience needed! Spend the day with the SLHS Cheerleaders and cheer at a Sunlake Football home game! Divided into groups based on age and skill...